Walks, Discovery, A Danceathon, Postcards, The Big Blue Test and Hula Hoops….  Sounds like a season filled with friendship, fun, creativity and raising awareness and funds for a cure for type 1 diabetes.


  • JDRF Bay Area Walks… October 16: Oakland Zoo, October 23: Mazda Raceway in Laguna Seca, October 30: Marina Green in San Francisco

        The Walks are a fun way to raise money and awareness.  We have started a Northbay Team.    Please join us and/ or forward the link to any North Bay businesses that you feel would value the opportunity to give to this important cause.  Details here:  Northbay Team. As this Walk is the day before Halloween, wearing costumes is a fun option! 

       The Center offers multi-sensory, hands-on activities for people of all ages. Rotating exhibits focus on a different aspect of the natural resources of Sonoma County.  It is free with paid parking, or park and walk in.  Kids of all ages will appreciate the exhibits and surroundings.  Parents also can come with out kids, if looking for diabetes management support.

  • Dance Out Diabetes (DOD) Annual Danceathon… November 12, Russian Center, San Francisco

        This 100% volunteer organization’s mission is to prevent and manage diabetes through dance and education.  Our family attended Dance Out Diabetes last year, and loved meeting many other people in the diabetes community from venders to nurses, nutritionists and other families with loved ones with type 1 as well as type 2 diabetes.  We also enjoyed dancing to many fun tunes spun on the CD player.  We are looking forward to cutting some rug again this year!

           This event is helping to create a network for prevention, early detection and management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.  

       The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 200 national diabetes associations in over 160 countries.  WDD was created to promote diabetes care, prevention and a cure worldwide.  The annual event on November 14 is held to raise awareness of this disease.  This is an important organization doing very important work.

       Now THIS is going to be FUN…. A FlashMob of Hula Hooping Record Breakers!  We need 114 people willing to hula hoop to break the world record, and raise diabetes awareness at the same time.  We will attempt a Guinness World Record.  Hosted by JDRF, ADA, diaTribe, Diabetes Hands Foundation, Dance Out Diabetes, UCSF and CPMC.

       Another great idea from Lee Ann Thill of The Butter Compartment.   Lee Ann has had type 1 diabetes for 33 years, is an art therapist and licensed counselor.  She avidly supports and encourages the diabetes community to engage in creative endeavors of all sorts as a way of facilitating self-awareness and promoting the development of healthy coping skills.  Get the address of another person with type 1 or parent/sibling/grandparent of someone with type 1, and create a postcard expressing your thoughts/feelings about type 1.  Then send it and receive one created with the same parameters.  A heartfelt exchange. 

       Diabetes Hands Foundation‘s mission is to connect people touched by diabetes and envisions a world where people touched by diabetes and their loved ones do not feel alone.  This is the Big Blue Test: 1. On November 14 at 2 pm, test your blood sugar.  2. Get active for 14 minutes.  3. Test again.  4. Enter your results here: http://www.bigbluetest.org/ 

      Well, it is going to be a busy season.  I can think of few better ways to spend my energy.  Look forward to seeing you soon.

We had a great hike last month.  Thank you to all who participated!

This Saturday we will meet at Howarth Park at 10 at the red climbing structure…. Hope to see you there!

If you are unfamiliar with Howarth Park, the following link contains directions.



Thank you to all who joined our bike ride/ walk in August.  We had a sweet time.  Every gathering, I am reminded of how much I appreciate the challenges we face, and the love and creativity with which we are handling those challenges.

As school starts, if we have a young one with type 1, we are busy preparing 504 plans and meeting with teachers, doctors, administrators and nurses to ensure a safe school year for our young ones.  We are also preparing our young ones for a bright year filled with open ended learning, old and new friendships, and continued healthy living.

Together with type 1 is a source for diabetes community support, growing mentorships among young people, and friendships.

On Saturday, September 3rd, we will stroll through the majestic Armstrong Redwoods.    Here is a map for how to get there.    We will meet in the parking lot at 10:30.  Bring water, and snacks in addition to other type 1 needs (meter, insulin, pump or syringes, glucagon,etc.).

Also, regarding babystting, a friend sent this weblink to Safesittings.com a nationwide website that makes available teens with Type 1 diabetes as babysitters for children with diabetes.  It looks like a potentially amazing resource, and from what I can tell, there are no sitters yet listed in Sonoma County.  We do have a short local list, and are happy to maintain that list as well.

Call with any questions; 707.799.1523.  Look forward to seeing you soon!

Beautiful old Oaks line the trail.

North Bay Together with Type 1 is bringing individuals and families touched by type one diabetes together for fun, sharing information, and support. 

Join us this Saturday from 10 – noon for a walk or bike ride along the beautiful Joe Rodoto Trail

We will meet in the Hopmonk parking lot in Sebastopol at 10 AM.  The trail can be found on the East side of Petaluma Avenue (Hwy 116).

Bring the kids or come alone, and enjoy a relaxing walk, or a vigorous ride with others who know and live the often rigorous, sometimes comedic, and always worth it life with type 1.

Call or email with any questions and to let us know if you can make it;  northbaytype1@gmail.com 707.799.1523.